December 12, 2007
As I reflect back on this semester I see the
work that Ashley and I did. I got to know a very smart and funny girl but you know her as a shy student in Mrs. Bradshaw's
class. I was really lucky to have worked with her because she lived the life I did when I was young.
Many young Navajo students are urban indians and they don't know their language or anything about what their culture is.
I can't began to tell you what a jewel she will be as she grows up because she has so much knowledge about her people.
She knows some Navajo words and how to make fry bread and even how rugs are made to herding sheep and it's a part
of her, this is her culture. Some students have to learn it as something second nature.
I really enjoyed my literature circle group, I got to know some
students a little better. For as long as I have been in the UNM program I didn't really have the opportunity
to get to know some of my classmates and this class was it. I knew who I would be sitting with and we got along fine. In
the future as I see them in the community or in public places I know I have a friend.
All the experiences we had in learning about diversity is what
is needed in being a teacher in a multicultural area. From Barngna the game to the bus trip around Farmington
even eating out at the different establishments around town was fun. It all helped me see the differences in our
area and helped me learn to appreciate my uniqueness. This is me I am part of the diversity Welcome to my world.
The text book was helpful and the class discussions and your lectures were a part of my growth to becoming the teacher I want
to become. I just hope I will be the teacher who understands and really listens to the students one who is patient and
kind and challenging. It was a great class.