White Teachers

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White Teachers, Indian Children

Alberta's 'Culturally Diverse' site

White teachers who want to teach Indian children need to learn about the culture, this is the very top of your check list.  The paper suggested ways to make your teaching experience a rewarding one with a few things you need to know.  First keep this paper and refer back to it when times get hard, I really liked the information in it and it will be helpful for the future Native teacher.  Next, find a mentor, someone who has worked in the schools and has gained a great deal of understanding and knowledge of Indian youth.  Get educated about the culture that you enter and learn as much as you can about the people and participate in the community.  When you get your hands dirty and rub shoulders with the Natives then success will happen, expect this, your rewards in teaching will bring sunshine to your life. 
Teaching Native children is slightly different then teaching other children because the nature of the child.  I can say we are quiet and artistic with a few out spoken ones.  Right now get the stereotypical Indian out of your mind we are regular people just like you.  Native children learn best with hands-on activities and tend to be holistic learners.  Don't forget the visual, they learn best when they can see what they need to learn and be patience.  Praise is good, they need to know they are doing things right.  
Now times are changing  because today there are many young bright Native kids that can do just as well and even better than any other kids.  Children these days have mentors and many elders who encourage their kids and grand kids to go to school and complete high school so that they can go on to a university or college.  I believe in teaching students with what is most familiar to them, their surroundings, this builds a bridge to success.  Know what values and belief they have and most important respect that.  When you use traditional values with current principles children learn to trust you and I believe teaching will become easier and you will see academic growth.  I think when a teacher is not too far above the students and real communication is happening teaching moments will happen.  I also think when you gear teaching material toward students existing world they will learn. 

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